Looking beyond Bethlehem

I rejoice with the arrival of Christmas and its inspiring music, warm family gatherings and feelings of charity. I especially find joy in my reverence for Jesus Christ and his wondrous birth in Bethlehem.

My gratitude for the coming of the Son of God further deepens as I look beyond Bethlehem to the flawless life and divine teachings of the Messiah who proclaimed himself to be the Prince of Peace.

Christ can become the personal Prince of Peace to each of us in this conflict-filled world, as each studies and applies the principles taught by the one perfect teacher. However, destroyers of peace such as personal inner conflict, devilish domestic violence, community hate and international war, all emerge when there is no room for Christ and his teachings in our lives. These are present when, despite wonderful exceptions, many of our Christmas activities and traditions actually distract from the holy sacredness of the miraculous birth of the Lord.

In contrast, living the ideals Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount and following his sublime teachings of love and forgiveness can bring both personal and societal peace. It is my hope that when the celebrations of the birth of Christ end, that applying Christ’s teachings will continue.

Dale Z. Kirby
