4 strategies for good bone health

Jeanine Stice

Remember those care free teen years, when you thought you could eat or drink whatever you wanted without impacting your health. Well, bone health catches up with you. Our risk for osteoporosis and bone density is developed during a time in life when we're taking risks feeling healthy and carefree, during the teen years and into our twenties. After this, bones are still actively remodeling and reforming but the rate of break down compared to rebuilding leans toward bone loss rather than building.

But, hey, regardless of if we're over the hill or raising toddlers, we can reduce our risk of osteoporosis, a disease that progresses and thins bones faster than simply aging. Here are 4 strategies to pursue:

1. Move it. Healthy bones require weight-bearing activity and kids love to walk, run, and play. If you've abandoned what once was a joy, lace up those shoes and take a few steps. If you are worried about balance, talk with your doctor and consider signing up Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance offered by Salem Health Community Health Education Center. If you've conquered walking, check with your doctor and see if you can add some weights to your routine, as well as exercises that strengthen your core to help keep your spine strong.

2. Meet your protein needs. According to Oregon State University's Linus Pauling Institute report, "Preventing Osteoporosis through Diet and Lifestyle," "The role of dietary protein in bone health is complex. While high protein intakes have been found to increase urinary calcium excretion, several large population-based studies have found that low protein intakes are associated with more rapid bone mineral loss and increased fracture risk in older adults." While most of us get plenty of protein, older adults should make sure they consume at least the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA): 56 g/day for adult men and 46 g/day for adult women. Plant protein may be a plus. A small study at U.C. Davis of 40 women between the ages of 18 and 40 revealed higher levels of bone formation in vegans compared to omnivores. Some sources of plant protein include tofu, edamame, legumes and nuts.

3. Chew on the DASH eating pattern. For the most part, it's not a single nutrient or supplement shot gun approach to manage health, but instead the complicated interaction of nutrients within a meal pattern or diet that reduces disease risk. The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet, initially, targeted reducing high blood pressure, has also shown support for improving bone health. It's no wonder why. The rich servings of fruits and vegetables, beans, low fat dairy, and whole foods increase calcium, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin K while reducing levels of sodium. Find out more, including menus by visiting

4. Limit alcohol and caffeine. Salt, soda, and caffeine are listed as "diet dangers to avoid" when it comes to osteoporosis prevention by WebMD. Caffeine leaches calcium from the bones at a rate of 6 milligrams for every 100 milligrams of caffeine ingested. Regular intake of 2-3 ounces of alcohol daily can impair the stomach's ability to absorb dietary calcium, interfere with vitamin D metabolism, and excess alcohol can kill the bone building osteoblasts. The combined effect of alcohol and smoking can result in bone loss of 8 percent a year.

Jeanine Stice is a registered dietitian with WVP Health Authority. She can be reached at