Letter: Better leaders means a more productive Oregon


How much more money will the taxpayers of Oregon have to pay for the expenses of Cover Oregon? The Oct. 24 article, "Oracle lawsuits together, for now," calls it a debacle.

Now Oregon is suing Oracle and Oracle is suing the state of Oregon. Willamette University College of Law professor David Friedman says that it will take years to resolve. At what cost to the taxpayers? Oregon has budgeted $2 million for attorney fees. If the cost is $2 million or more, who pays?

Cover Oregon was orchestrated by Gov. Kitzhaber, costing several hundred millions of dollars. Who pays?

High school graduation rate in Oregon is 49th in the country. Who is paying for such low results?

Approximately 20 percent of the population in Oregon is on food stamps and who pays?

With good leadership, Oregon, which has so many wonderful natural resources, can be very productive.

Let us have a change in leadership. For the sake of our children, we can do very much better. Elect Dennis Richardson for governor and Dr. Monica Wehby for the U.S. Senate. She understands health care which is critical for all Oregonians.

Marie Innes
